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The Wheel of the Year

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Join Paetra for an immersive journey with planets and plants, through the Wheel of the Year.

The year-long syllabus follows the path of the Sun through the Zodiac and is tailored to suit the needs of both beginner and intermediate students. As you explore each class, you'll benefit from astrology, ayurveda, mythology, herbalism, and group discussions on current events. Each class includes a monthly downloadable pdf workbook, a curated playlist, and homework of a plant-based-ritual nature to complete independently in the month.


Astrology has been used for over 1000 years to guide and understand our human lives, loves, gifts, and challenges. It can be used on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to track the giant clock in the heavens and how it correlates with our lives here on Earth, in order to live better and more meaningful lives.

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Plants give us clothes, food, shelter & medicine, we couldn't do it without them. Plant lore and herbal preparations are an enriching part of this course.



Folk rituals have been practiced by people observing the same cycles of light and dark that we do, for millenia. Although we live in post-modern times, these rituals are as sacred and meaningful as they always have been, which is why they have been handed down through the ages.

Learn from the Stars


No matter your level of knowledge, you'll leave each session enriched with understanding, excited to try something new, and inspired by nature, astrology, and magic in our weird and unpredictable era.

Course Outline

March - Aries + Mars 

April - Taurus + Venus

May - Gemini + Mercury

June - Cancer + Moon

July - Leo + Sun

August - Virgo + Mercury

September - Libra + Venus

October - Scorpio + Mars + Pluto

November - Sagittarius + Jupiter

December - Capricorn + Saturn

January - Aquarius + Saturn + Uranus

February - Pisces + Jupiter + Neptune


The classes will be 1 hour of teaching, followed by 30 minutes of questions and discussion. 

What's Included


1 - 90 Minute Live call with Paetra each month -

12 calls total

Each class is downloadable to keep

Monthly workbook 

Office hours and email access to Paetra for questions

Community of like-minded course students


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Payment Plans Available -
 2 payments of $210,
 4 payments of $105
or monthly payments of $40.
Let me know what works and we can set you up. 


"Paetra's class was not only informative and interesting, but also taught with a depth that has been able to percolate through my life and understand a little bit more what makes us who we are and what we are made of. I'm in awe of her ability to explain in simple English the world of the celestial realms and how connected we are to them more than I ever thought." 

-Bret E.

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Mercury 6.jpeg

I love Paetra's style of teaching because she explains complicated concepts in a manner that is easy to understand. She has a breadth of knowledge that supports the subject matter, and I particularly like how she incorporates esoteric meaning into her lessons. One truly gets a left and right brain experience when taking one of her classes. She has a gift for finding the most compelling images to bring everything to life on the screen during our Zoom meetings, and this enlivens the experience even more!

-Gilda S. 

Meet Paetra

Paetra Tauchert is an international, consulting astrologer and teacher with thirty years of experience. She writes for the Mountain Astrologer magazine, Australia’s Wellness 2023 magazine, teaches her own Six-Month Mentorship program, and a short ‘Intro to Astrology’ course, and is part of AFAN’s mentorship program.

Paetra is an artist, herbalist, and horticulturist rooted in northern California, with her eyes to the skies. 


When is the class happening? 

We will meet over Zoom, one Sunday each month,

from March 2025 until February 2026,

from 9am-10:15 am Pacific Standard time.


Sunday March 15

Sunday April 20

Sunday May 18

Sunday June 22

Sunday July 20

Sunday August 21

Sunday September 24

Sunday October 18

Sunday November 16

Sunday December 14

Sunday January 18, 2026

Sunday February 15, 2026

What happens when I sign up?

Once you complete registration and submit your payment details, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will include all of the dates and details for the course. You will receive a Zoom meeting link shortly before each meeting.

Who is this course for? 

This course is for anyone looking to gain valuable insight into working with astrology, plants, and ritual - and how to meaningfully incorporate concepts into their everyday life. The classes are perfect for beginning students as well as intermediate and advanced. There will be plenty of discussion and time to ask specific questions relative to your personal journey. 

What does the time commitment look like? 

The course spans an entire year, meeting once a month for an hour and a half. All calls will be recorded, so it's fine if you have to miss a few. The homework usually takes between 1 to 2 hours per month to complete. There will also be a lot of supplemental content on ritual ideas and journaling prompts, to explore the content as deep as you wish on your own. 

What is the investment? 

The investment for the course is $365 for the entire year.

Payment plans are available and can be selected during check out  - 2 payments of $210, or 4 payments of $105 or monthly payments of $40. Let me know what works and we can set you up. 

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to

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